Wii on the 6th of november???
cubed3 recently got claims from an insider that;
"So, at the moment Nintendo are aiming to launch the Wii on November 6th"
fingers crossed this is true as it is 3 days before my birthday so im hoping.
I am not claimining to be an insider, and you wont find any exclusives here but I do hope to give you all nintendo news worth knowing along with some editorials from both me and the other crew members.
cubed3 recently got claims from an insider that;
"So, at the moment Nintendo are aiming to launch the Wii on November 6th"
Ages ago I posted this pic, but now a revised version has been done with the final Wii and PS3 sizes, plus there is a volume comparison at the bottom.
PlayStation 3 | 8726.9 cm^3 |
Xbox | 7727.4 cm^3 |
Xbox 360 | 6616.9 cm^3 |
PlayStation 2 | 4179.1 cm^3 |
Gamecube | 2656.5 cm^3 |
Mac mini | 1384.7 cm^3 |
PStwo | 978.9 cm^3 |
Wii | 955.5 cm^3 |
MTV: You've talked about wanting to use as few controller buttons as possible in your game designs. Where did this idea come from?
Following its overwhelming debut at E3 2006, Nintendo today announced the current fiscal year unit shipment forecast for its new home game system, Wii™. Nintendo also confirmed that the price of the Wii system, which incorporates unique freehand control, will not exceed $250 in America, or ¥25,000 in Japan. The company plans to ship 6 million systems to retailers around the world between its launch in the fourth quarter of 2006 and the end of its fiscal year on March 31, 2007.
The projections are part of a full-year financial forecast that sees growth of 18 percent in sales globally, based on anticipated continuing strong demand for the Nintendo DS™ portable game system, as well as a successful launch for Wii.
The company also said it expects to sell 17 million Wii games in the period. Exact launch dates, identification of the launch library of titles and details on the unique Virtual Console aspect of Wii will be announced soon.
kotaku recently reported that a nintendo rep has said;
•The promotional material that the rep had with her only contained white consoles and peripherals. The Wii Classic controller was included, as well as the Zapper, as possible peripherals to be utilized at launch.
•There is concern about stores using halogen lighting. Tons of halogen spotlights scattered about may give everything a much warmer and more ambient feel. However, this particular type of lighting can throw off the aiming of the Wii controller when the lights are angled down through the path of the signal. So for people with halogen track-lighting in front of the TV, this could be a problem.
•Nintendo is aiming for an October launch. Since a number of big-ticket crossplatform titles like Madden will be coming out at that time, Nintendo doesn't want to miss them. Apparently the company wants to beat Sony out the gate, and get some buzz going about their non-traditional controller in the meantime.
The date may not be set and the price may not be known, but Nintendo fans across the globe are already beginning to rally as we near one of the most anticipated system launches our industry has ever seen. E3 was abuzz with activity as gamers rushed to get a first hands-on opportunity with the Wii. Whether you show allegiance to Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo, the Wii brings a new sense of gaming that’s so fresh and entertaining that it really has to be played, and people had a chance to do just that. With record-breaking lines, the Wii was the talk of the show. Now that E3 is over, we’re counting the days until its launch, and to celebrate the countdown we’ve compiled a list of every launch game we know about. Before we kick it off, we’d like to explain a few things. Listed below are the games already confirmed by Nintendo (or other publishers), though we will be adding or subtracting games as details arrive. In addition, there are other titles such as Final Fantasy and Excite Truck that we are simply awaiting official word on before adding. All things considered, this is shaping up to be a very strong launch for Nintendo, and we can’t wait to see how the world responds to the innovative gameplay Wii has to offer.Included with each game are the basic details, as well as a description of the play style. Below we’ve featured a key to the terms we’re using. Enjoy!
Players hold the Wii-mote with one hand like a remote. These games will use only one hand, often drawing, swinging or pointing the remote to interact.
This term refers to the nunchuck and Wii-mote combination. Players will make use of the analog stick and accelerometer of the nunchuck unit in addition to the Wii-mote functions.
Wii-mote is turned on its side, used like a classic NES controller. These games make use of the 1 and 2 buttons primarily, as well as the tilt functions of the Wii-mote and D-pad.
These games will require use of either the GameCube controller or Virtual Console controller that was shown at E3 2006.
Light Gun:
This style of game will require (or best work with) the light gun peripheral announced at E3 2006. Aside from a main trigger button, the light gun also adds an analog stick to the mix.
Now on to the games…
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Players: 1
Play Style: Nunchuck
Genre: Third-Person Adventure
Description: It’s been a heck of a wait, but Twilight Princess is finally on the way. Attempting to be a crowd-pleaser, Nintendo is releasing two versions of Zelda this holiday season. Stubborn Cube owners will be able to play the game in its classic form, though only the Wii version will support 16×9 widescreen presentation. The blending of amazing visuals and all new innovative gameplay is sure to make The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess the game to get for Christmas 2006.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Retro Studios
Players: 1
Play Style: Nunchuck
Genre: Adventure
Description: If the GameCube brought Samus into an all-new world, Wii will take Prime to an all new level. Combiningpixel-perfect accuracy with even more puzzle elements, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption promises to redefine the first-person adventure genre once again. We’ve already seen Samus disarm enemies and manipulate machinery with her grapple beam, and Retro Studios promises this is only the beginning. Better controls and ramped up puzzles promise to make this the best Prime yet. And it’s the first time the series has launched with a new Nintendo platform.
Wii Sports
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Players: 4
Play Style: Remote
Genre: Sports
Description: Following suit with Nintendo’s new “playing = believing” campaign, Wii Sports is taking a new and somewhat unexpected approach to next-gen — or should we say “new gen” — gaming. In the E3 version, Nintendo delivered hands-on demos of baseball, golf and tennis, though the Big N also hinted that more games may become available as we near launch. The titles boasted very simple, yet very intuitive control mechanics. The games, while basic in graphical design, delivered serious entertainment on the showroom floor, and we’re anxious to see if gameplay will really be the deciding factor this generation.
Red Steel
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Paris
Players: 1
Play Style: Nunchuck
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Description: Over the last few months, Red Steel has been a heavy favorite for Wii fans. Combining classic FPS action with all new hand-to-hand fighting — with a sword, even — Red Steel promises to deliver a new look into the FPS genre. All eyes were on Ubisoft this E3, as gamers are dying to see how third party developers are handing the Wii hardware. We’ll be
watching this one very closely in the next few months leading up to launch.
Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Toys for Bob
Players: 4
Play Style: Classic
Genre: Alternative Sports
Description: Yet another huge third party launch title, Activision has teamed up with Toys for Bob to deliver a unique look into the world of Tony Hawk. In a design reminiscent of Dowhill Domination and SSX, players will tilt the Wii-mote to carve through city streets and off-road locations. We’ve had a chance to go hands-on with Downhill Jam on multiple occasions, and it’s a blast. The promise of four-player action will only help to make Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam a must have sports party game for Wii at launch.
Madden NFL 2007
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA Canada
Players: 2
Play Style: Nunchuck
Genre: Sports
Description: When we first got word that Madden would be making a Wii appearance at launch, we were a bit skeptical. Mixing a simulation sports game with innovative control seems like a tricky proposition, and we were curious if the controls would help or hurt the polished design of EA’s flagship title. Our view changed, however, when we took hold of the controller at E3 and threw a pin-point touchdown pass on only our second play. Playing is certainly believing, and Madden delivers gameplay that will have even the most anti-simulation gamers dying to pick this up at launch.
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix
Players: Unknown
Play Style: Remote (tentative)
Genre: Action
Description: As of right now, very little is known about Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. We do know, however, that this is only one of Square’s Wii-exclusive titles, as it will be delivering both Dragon Quest and a sequel to Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. From what we can tell, Dragon Quest seems to be an action game with
possible role-playing elements that allows players to engage in spell-casing and melee combat using the Wii-mote as their weapon. The title seems to be a sequel to and not a port of a Japan-only plug-and-play sword-fighting game based in the DQ universe. More on this mysterious launch title as it develops.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Publisher: SEGA
Developer: SEGA
Players: 4
Play Style: Remote/Nunchuck
Genre: Action
Description: When we heard Monkey Ball was coming to Wii, we were excited, to say the least. A controller like the Wii-mote seems to be designed specifically for games like Monkey Ball, and when we went hands-on at E3 our hopes that project would be a must-have title on Wii were reaffirmed. Mixing the classic gameplay with the new feel of the Wii-mote, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz may be the single most inviting party game on the system at launch. We played this one to death and still haven’t had enough. Now please SEGA, hit us with some shooter games!
Metal Slug Anthology
Publisher: SNK Playmore
Developer: SNK Playmore
Players: 2
Play Style: Unknown
Genre: Action Compilation
Description: Another mysterious announcement, Metal Slug Anthology has been confirmed as a launch title for Wii as well. Little information has been released about this classic compilation, but we do know it will offer the five main Metal Slug titles (Metal Slug - Metal Slug 5) in one package. SNK tell us that the arcade classics have been revamped to use the Wii-mote. It’s possible that you’ll be able to gesture a flick of the controller to toss a grenade. In all honesty, it doesn’t really matter how much new generation control Metal Slug decides to incorporate, as we’re simply overjoyed that such an awesome compilation of arcade goodness will be hitting Wii at launch. Classic.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Publisher: Atlus Software
Developer: Atlus Software
Players: 1
Play Style: Remote (Tentative)
Genre: Arcade/Simulation
Description: When Trauma Center was originally shown for Nintendo DS in 2004, fans went crazy. Nobody knew exactly what they were looking at, but for whatever reason they were instantly convinced that a surgery game was a great idea on Nintendo’s innovative handheld. Fast forward to two years later, and we’re getting the same response for Trauma Center:
Second Opinion, the official sequel to the hit DS game. We know very little about Trauma Center as it stands right now, but we’re sure it will make great use of the Wii-mote controller, as players literally cut, sew and bandage patients in time-critical missions. Much like the Wii Sports package, playing is truly believing, and gamers will go crazy yet again for this playfully graphic yet oddly addictive arcade game. Don’t ask. Just play it.
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Players: 1
Play Style: Nunchuck
Genre: Action
Description: When making up the list of all the launch titles Wii will offer in Q4 of 2006, we thought Trauma Center would take the title of oddest game, hands down. We forgot, however, about Elebits. Created by Konami, Elebits mixes the simple joys of a gravity gun (see Half Life 2), the off-the-wall style of the Katamari series and mixes both with some good
ole-fashioned Pikmin action. The goal is relatively simple, though you’ll have to throw common sense to the wayside while you play. Players will use the gravity zapper to toss household objects around, capturing the Elebits as they try to escape. These critters are used as a source of power, so the more you catch, the more places you can explore. It’s a bit odd, yes. But it’s also a ton of fun.
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Publisher: Activision
Developer: TBA/Raven Software
Players: 4 (Tentative)
Play Style: Unknown
Genre: Action/RPG
Description: When X-Men Legends took the cake as the best true X-men game in ages, the action/RPG superhero genre was invented. Since then we’ve seen the Legends franchise span across multiple platforms, receive a sequel and even seen competitors take a similar approach (Justice League Heroes is essentially the same design using DC characters and the makers of Baulder’s Gate). Marvel: Ultimate Alliance may be simply more of the same, but when that means solid gameplay, more characters and an all-new “build-a-team” feature that incorporates not only the X-Men, but all Marvel characters we really can’t complain too much. No specific details have been given out for the Wii version, but you can expect to see a ton of information coming in as we near launch, as well as a formal hands-on with the Legends sequel.
Blitz: The League
Publisher: Midway Games
Developer: Midway Games
Players: 2 (Tentative)
Play Style: Unknown
Genre: Sports
Description: If you scoffed at the idea of Madden for Wii, claiming that simulation games are far too slow and boring, Blitz: The League may be exactly what you’re looking for. Combining the brutality and downright awesome arcade gameplay of the original with some still-undisclosed Wii functionality, Blitz: The League promises to deliver a form of football you
won’t find anywhere else. Even though we’ve received no specifics on how the game will control with the Wii-mote, we can assume a few of the classic ideas will remain in this updated version. Players will be able to juice up their characters, delivering bone-breaking hits, and flirt with scantily-clad cheerleaders all while throwning 80-yard passes and completing downright impossible manuvers in bullet time. Now all we need is the ability to actually rip a player’s helmet off and bash them with it with the Wii-mote. Sure, it’s a bit over-the-top, but then again what isn’t in the Blitz world?
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Paris
Players: Unknown
Play Style: Nunchuck
Genre: Platformer
Description: Aside from Red Steel, Ubisoft has another launch title up its sleeve over at its Paris headquarters. Rayman Raving Rabbids is still a huge mystery, but it has a lot of promise. Whether it’s with hilarious concept art (Wiiiii!) or equally awesome video-blogs straight from the Ubisoft website, Rayman is starting to catch people by surprise again. Previous versions blended an over-the-top world with some seriously solid platforming elements, and from the looks of it, Rayman Raving Rabbids will have players bashing the crap out of little furry bunnies to boot, and who are we to argue with the sheer entertainment that could from that?
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
Publisher: THQ
Developer: Blitz Games
Players: Unknown
Play Style: Nunchuck
Genre: Action
Description: If licensed games are a necessity in your household (and if you ever plan on having kids, they’ll have to be), THQ is there. If it’s a kids show, it’s a THQ game; plain and simple. Despite what people may say about the younger-geared games, you have to give the company credit, as it is stepping up on launch day to deliver a SpongeBob game that innovates gameplay with the best of them. SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab will combine a ton of different gameplay elements to deliver an all-in-one package on Wii for younger players. We already know of a flight simulator portion, a racing game, and numerous platforming levels, each that will feature a different style of gameplay with the Wii-mote. There’s also been talks of a drawing mini-game or activity, as well as a FPS level. It may be for kids, but it’s still bringing new gameplay to the table in the process.
Disney/Pixar’s Cars
Publisher: THQ
Developer: Rainbow Games / Kobalt
Players: 2
Play Style: Classic
Genre: Racing
Description: Along with SpongeBob, THQ is also bringing a surprisingly entertaining racing game to the Wii. Disney/Pixar’s Cars, developed by Rainbow Games (responsible for the ATV series) and ported by Kobalt, has already proven to be more entertaining than expected in hands-on sessions, mixing the obviously necessary license with Burnout and ATV inspired
gameplay. Players will drift around corners, launch through the air and explore huge open-ended environments while constantly interacting with the cast from the movie. We’ve only had a chance to play the GameCube and PS2 versions, but THQ has informed us that the Wii game will control much like Excite Truck and Tony Hawk, using the controller in the
classic position like a steering wheel. Both Cars and Sponge Bob are very valuable to the Wii’s launch, as they prove to other publishers that innovation is for all ages and any license. No ports here, thank you.
I cant make it to my local one but I hope you can so here are the details
To celebrate the launch of Metroid Prime Hunters on Nintendo DS, Nintendo and HMV are teaming up to organise a nationwide Metroid Prime Hunters tournament being held at four of their top stores throughout the country from 9am - 5pm on Saturday 20th May.
**UPDATE: Recruitment for the tournament takes place between 11am and 1pm so arrive early if you want to participate. Tournament matches will take place from 1pm to 4pm, with the final taking place after all the matches have taken place.
The venues are:
Birmingham High St.
London Oxford St.
Edinburgh Princes St.
Manchester Market St.
Competitors can turn up on the day to have the chance of winning some fantastic prizes including HMV vouchers.
BT have provided a video feed link-up between the four locations so that the competitors can see their rivals that they are blasting on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Metroid Prime Hunters on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection will also be on show in eight further HMV stores across the UK.
Here are the stores and the dates where you can sample Metroid online:
Gateshead Metro Centre (20th & 21st May)
Reading Oracle (20th & 21st May)
Liverpool Church St. (20th & 21st May)
Cardiff Queen St. (27th & 28th May)
Guildford Friary Centre (27th & 28th May)
Leeds Headrow Centre (27th & 28th May)
Southampton Bar St. (27th 28th May).
Bluewater (Date TBC)
“I don’t know what their decision making process is, but I think if you look back, any innovation that has come in gameplay has come from us…I’d love to dig up some old Phil Harrison comments and say ‘hang on a second – six months ago when we launched our controller you said one thing, and now why are you doing this?…Historically we’re always developing new things, we know Sony has had a lot of issues with their rumble feature and they’ve had to withdraw it–because they didn’t innovate, they copied. With Nintendo, I’m trying to think of anything we’ve copied…but I can’t.”
Survive nature's most devastating catastrophes in Disaster: Day of Crisis, a panic-inducing survival game for Wii. When a wave of natural disasters pummels the United States, a rogue special forces unit takes advantage of the chaos and seizes a nuclear weapon. Players race a car down a mountain to escape a roaring pyroclastic flow, dodge toppling buildings during a devastating earthquake and swim for their lives in a raging flood. No matter what happens, fight to survive.We were then treated to this concept art;
Earlier this afternoon, Angela Proto and the rest of the Nintendo Now E3 Staff had the opportunity to speak with Goro Abe, the director of WarioWare games for the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, and GameCube. As announced at Nintendo’s press event, WarioWare: Smooth Moves is currently in development for Wii -- also being headed up by Mr. Abe. A playable demo of this game was present at Nintendo’s booth and after the staff had some hands-on time with the game, various questions were begging for answers. The entire transcript of what was said can be found below:
Also note that full DVD quality video of this Interview should be ready for download soon and will be made partially available on our exclusive E3xperience DVD.
Nintendo Now: Alright, I've played a brief demo of WarioWare: Smooth Moves on Wii and it was everything I expected from a WarioWare game. Each game in the series has added something new -- the touch screen, microphone and tilting. How has the Wii controller changed WarioWare this time around?
Mr. Abe: As you know, the controller is very unique in this game. In the previous series it was mostly on the handheld, so only one player could enjoy it by themselves. In this series WarioWare evolved into a very cool party game. Because we are asking the players to do very dynamic and funny movements -- and the people around them, looking at them, (and the player themselves) will be very entertained.
Nintendo Now: Does Smooth Moves rely entirely on the Wii's new abilities, or will there be more traditional button pressing games included like there were in Touched -- where there were just button pressing games for example?
Mr. Abe: We presently don't have any plans to include just one button operated game controls, but we do include a combination of games that use one button and the pointing controller together. We also have plans such as connecting the Wii remote with the nunchaku and operating the micro games.
Nintendo Now: What are some of the single player modes in Smooth Moves? I know that in Mega Party Games on GameCube there were more modes -- both single player and multiplayer. But in regards to single player, are there any crazy new modes?
Mr. Abe: We don't have any plans to have any multiplayer mode where multiple controllers are necessary. Our basic concept is to have only one player playing with one controller and to have others see the people playing… to have players show the onlookers their coolest move and to have all the people in the room be entertained.
Nintendo Now: Will there be any online functionality with multiplayer?
Mr. Abe: We’re not thinking of any modes for online play.
Nintendo Now: Will there be any Wi-Fi connectability with Connect 24 where you can download additional games or receive additional content?
Mr. Abe: We do not have any plans to have additional downloads, but our main focus for this game is to create something that is instantly enjoyable at that place, anytime for anybody. So we don’t have any kinds of those additional modes.
Nintendo Now: Each game starts in the demo with directions on how to hold the remote rather than directions for the specific games as in other versions. What caused this change?
Mr. Abe: Well, originally we were planning on having only one method of holding the Wii controller which was the pointing remote style, but with only one method, the variety of the movement would be very limited. So we thought with having many ways to hold the remote, we recognized the number of possibilities for the mini-games would expand. But if we don't show the users what they have to do, it would be very difficult to define that, so we decided to include a screen which shows how to hold the controller.
Nintendo Now: Both Touched and Twisted featured an assortment of collectables, especially in Twisted. Are you planning the same thing for Smooth Moves, and if so can you give us any information on them?
Mr. Abe: We will have those kinds of bonuses, but not as many as what we had in Twisted.
Nintendo Now: Nintendo, with the Wii, has made it known that it is trying to attract non-gamers, including adult non-gamers, and some of the zany cartoony looks and feels of the game might be seen as a barrier or a turn off to this audience. Do you think this is true or do you think that people will see it and not be embarrassed to try it?
Mr. Abe: Well, I think more than the actual graphics on screen, the movement of the player are more wacky and interesting. So I think if the kids in the family are playing the game and the parents are seeing them, I think they will be attracted and interested and may want to try,. So I think this game could convey to those adult demographics.
Nintendo Now: Do you have any plans to have any connectivity between DS and Wii for any future WarioWare games?
Mr. Abe: Presently, we don't have any plans to do so.
Nintendo Now: When you first saw the Wiimote were you filled with ideas for games that you previously had thought of but you didn't think you could implement with other systems?
Mr. Abe: More than reflecting on past ideas which we were able to apply to WarioWare I was full of confidence that with this new remote we could create a very flattering WarioWare game.
Nintendo Now: What's a favorite thing that you have personally done so far with this game?
Mr. Abe: I think the style of the game is very special. We're asking the users to do very different movements than with other games, so this is a very strong and favorite point in the game.
Nintendo Now: Well I think this about wraps it up unless there's anything else you'd like to tell us. Maybe anything we haven't learned from the demo?
Mr. Abe: I think that WarioWare: Smooth Moves is a game that makes it easy to understand what the Wii controller can do, so for people who are wondering what the Wii controller is all about and how we can operate it, I think this is the best game to try out.
Nintendo Now: One last question. I think Nintendo may have already briefly mentioned -- when can we expect Smooth Moves in the
Mr. Abe: I think, as Nintendo announced, that it will be launched within 90 days after the hardware launch, so that is the timeframe we are aiming for.
Nintendo Now: We’ve seen out on the floor what’s inside the Metroid Prime 3 demo. Are there any additional features that are lacking or that we haven’t seen?
Mark Pacini: [laughs] Well, the rest of the game.
Nintendo Now: Well, other than things like motion control for the grappling beam and pushing levers, do you plan on implementing more features using the Wii’s abilities?
Mark Pacini: Yeah, what we did in the demo was just kind of scratching the surface of what we’re planning on doing but I don’t really want to talk too much about what we’re going to be doing as far as using the uniqueness of the controller at this point. But what we feel like we’ve kind of proven is what we can do and there’s going to be a lot more of it. But as far as Samus’s abilities and things like that for Metroid Prime 3, one of the big things that we’ll be using in this game is the use of Samus’s ship. Not necessarily to fly around, but through the use of a visor you can command the ship from third-person to do things for you remotely. So it can do bombing runs or lift up these huge items, and it can be used as a platform as well. Along with that, you can fly to different planets in the game and you can use your ship for that, but you do not need direct control of your ship. Another big feature is the use of Hyper Mode outside of just special circumstances. The player can actually go into Hyper Mode at any time they want. And there’s a special subset of abilities that they’ll have access to for that.
Nintendo Now: Are you planning on using the speaker on the remote for any special purpose?
Kensuke Tanabe: Well, because we just disclosed the speaker issue, we didn’t include anything about the speaker in the E3 demo. In the future we’ll say more about the speaker.
Nintendo Now: Some people have felt that the sensitivity makes it kind of hard to do things. Do you think that you’ll include adjustable sensitivity?
Bryan Walker: Yes.
Nintendo Now: And, also, some people have mentioned that depending on where the sensor is in relation to the TV, above or below, the game senses differently. Do you think this is something you’ll have to address by making a feature to optimize gameplay in relation to where the sensor is placed?
Mark Pacini: Since this is new technology, we’re always learning new ways that things do or don’t work. As far as the sensitivity issue, that’s something that there is a learning curve for with the Metroid Prime games. It is a little bit more complicated in the control scheme, but after, we’re kind of estimating, fifteen or twenty minutes, you start to get it. Then when you come back the next time, it becomes very intuitive. And that’s because it’s so new and it’s just like your first time using a mouse and keyboard to play a first person shooter. It’s the same sort of thing. There is a learning curve involved, and you come back again and are like “How did I ever play without this?” As far as tunable sensitivity, absolutely. That is something that we found that people want - more and less sensitivity. I don’t think we’re going to be able to come up with one control scheme that works for everybody. But again, it’s something that, because this is such a cool and new piece of technology, we need help from people that are playing the game to give feedback. That’s something we absolutely want to do.
Nintendo Now: A little update on that question about the sensor bar: I was told by a Nintendo executive on the floor that some games are specifically developed for the sensor bar on the top of the TV, and some games are specifically developed for the bottom of the TV. So I was wondering if there was some option where you can say “I want it at the bottom” and it automatically compensates for that.
Mark Pacini: Well, when we ship it, it won’t matter where you put it.
Nintendo Now: Can you tell us anything about the storyline?
Mark Pacini: Yes [laughs]. Well the main theme of the game, the title, is “Corruption.” Metroid Prime 1 and 2 dealt with, as kind of a substoryline, this material called Phazon. And it had pretty devastating impacts on the two planets you went to on the games before. Well, now in Metroid Prime: Corruption, we’re kind of tying up the Phazon storyline. Phazon becomes a much more top-level storyline, which not only is the backdrop to the motivations of why Samus is going to other planets, but also Samus becomes corrupted with the Phazon herself. It opens up gameplay use for this corruption theme, like I mentioned earlier with Hyper Mode. Basically, Samus is going to different planets to remove the corruption, and she’s also trying to find a way to remove the corruption from herself.
Nintendo Now: I heard that there’s not going to be online competitive multiplayer. Is that true?
Bryan Walker: That’s correct.
Nintendo Now: What was your motivation behind leaving that out?
Bryan Walker: We added [competitive multiplayer] in Metroid Prime 2 and it was fun. It was an experiment for us. In Metroid Prime 3, we really wanted to go back to the roots of Metroid, a very immersive single player first-person adventure. But that said, we’re also very excited about the Wii Connect24 functionality, and we’re discussing a number of options for Metroid Prime 3 to take advantage of that, and add value to the overall experience.
Nintendo Now: So there may be downloads for upgrades or weapons?
Bryan Walker: Those are things that we’re discussing.
Nintendo Now: I know that I saw some usual faces from the Metroid franchise, with Ridley. Are there going to be other classic bosses or enemies, or is the rest all new?
Mark Pacini: Yes, again the motivation of Ridley being there in the demo definitely ties into the storyline in a solid way, but some of those familiar faces are just that: they’re just a couple of familiar faces. In the Metroid Prime series, we really try to break out and make kind of our own area of Metroid fiction. All the bosses are going to be brand new. There are several other bounty hunters that show up in the game as specifically from Metroid Prime 3. We always like to bring in a couple familiar faces to hearken back to the previous games, but that’s definitely a small minority of what’s in the game.
Nintendo Now: Beyond the capabilities to control your ship with the visor, does Samus have any other brand new abilities in the game?
Mark Pacini: Yeah, actually we have a pretty different weapon system than in previous games. Before, the weapon system was mainly about switching weapons. In this game the weapons are going to be stackable, they’re similar to Super Metroid. We kind of modeled our system a little bit after that. So each beam that the player gets will stack on top of one another and keep their inherent abilities but become more powerful. That’s what happens to all of Samus’s weapons. So her beam weapons will stack, her missile weapons will stack, and also her grapple beam will stack as well. And as far as new weapons the player will have: just simple things like, Samus will get one beam ability that allows her to shoot through materials. That, in combination with one of the visors she’ll have, the X-ray visor, she’ll be able to solve certain puzzles or defeat certain creatures by detecting targets underneath surfaces. We’re really trying to make her weapons work in conjunction with each other, rather than just having a more powerful beam.
Nintendo Now: You mentioned that Samus is corrupted. How does that affect her and the gameplay experience?
Mark Pacini: Like I mentioned before, it’s very much a main storyline and gameplay path that we are taking with Corruption. Samus is dying because of this corruption, and not only is it affecting her, but it’s affecting other planets and other people. So what benefits the player gets from that is that you’re able to use Hyper Mode at any time. As a caveat to that, you’ll become very powerful for a short period of time, but you’ll also have a possibility of dying because you’re using this ability. So the player has to learn how to balance this system, where you might want to go into Hyper Mode and use all your Phazon – your health switches to a different management system – and you might just use all your Phazon really quick and get through a tough area and then you’re out of Hyper Mode. But because you can manage this bar by how much you shoot, and your shots take out a certain number of Phazon units, you can actually stay in hyper mode for a longer period of time and be powerful for a longer period of time, at the expense of possibly dying. So it’s kind of a system where hardcore people who are really good at the game might kind of take advantage of that system at a high risk.
Nintendo Now: Speaking of people who are good at the game, how are you trying to make Metroid Prime 3 appeal to people who have not played Metroid Prime 1 or 2? Since Wii is also targeting people who haven’t gamed before…
Kensuke Tanabe: Because we have the new Wii controller, it can allow the player to play the game more intuitively. It means that the player can point on the screen and play the game very easily, even for inexperienced players. As well, we are planning on making the game itself a little bit easier than before, so it will allow more players to be able to play. But maybe a bit more difficult than playing the [Wii Sports] tennis game. [laughs]
Nintendo Now: There was a character who comes to your aid in the demo that was reminiscent of Noxus from Metroid Prime Hunters for the Nintendo DS. Any relation?
Bryan Walker: His name is Rundus.
Mark Pacini: It’s definitely a different bounty hunter in Metroid Prime 3. The same concept artist from Metroid Prime Hunters also worked on Metroid Prime 1, Prime 2, and Prime 3. So maybe there is an intentional style similarity to tie it in, and maybe some backstory on it.
Nintendo Now: We’re just about out of time.
Bryan Walker: We’d also like to reinforce that we collaborate very closely with Mr. Tanabe and his team. They provided a lot of great ideas. We did most of the talking, but Metroid Prime 3 is a team effort.
Nintendo Now: Any last words on the game?
Kensuke Tanabe: One of the purposes of the Wii controller is making it a little easier for the player to play first person games, so we would like you all to enjoy that type of experience.
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Q: Was there anything that surprised you here at E3?
A: The surprise was that the feedback to the Wii console was actually even better than we had expected before coming to E3. Before E3, we thought that maybe people would have hesitation because what we are proposing is, "Forget about the past. Forget about the classic controller. You are now supposed to do a free controller style."
We thought that we would get mixed reactions to our presentation. However, almost all the people who have touched and played the Wii have shown very positive reactions.
Q: What did you think about the name "Wii" when you heard it the first time?
A: I saw Wii as one candidate among many others, but the name Wii captured my attention so strongly, I thought, "This is it." At the same time I thought that probably Wii would have some controversy.
There were some criteria for us to come up with the name. It had to be short enough so that we didn't need any other nicknames or abbreviation. What we are targeting with Wii is not only existing gamers, but also people who have shown no interest in other games. These nongamers, for example, really cannot understand what GBA means, if GBA is something different from Game Boy Advance. We wanted something with a strong impact that people will remember as soon as they hear it.
Finally, we wanted a name unlike any video-game machines.
Q: I didn't understand the Wii until I played it. Will it be hard to sell this machine to people who haven't done the same thing?
A: The same thing happened in the case of the DS [Nintendo's handheld player]. The DS was a very unusual machine. For us, the DS didn't necessarily boast beautiful graphics at all. We had to emphasize that touching is believing.
But we were in a better position for marketing the DS because the DS is, after all, a portable machine. We can take it anywhere and present it to anybody on the street and say, "Please try it."
In the case of a hardware console like this, how can we ask a sufficient number of people who need to have the hands-on experience? That requires us to be smart with the marketing.
Q: I'm sure the Wii will be a big success in Japan. How will it sell in the U.S.?
A: It has global potential. When we showed the tennis game ["Wii Sports: Tennis"] at the media briefing, we had such a strong reaction afterward. There is no boundary to games like tennis, and so it can be appreciated around the world.
Q: Do you think people will pay $600 for a PlayStation 3?
A: That's not something I should comment on as a corporate president. But as one single person, a potential customer for the PS3, I think it's a bit expensive. But it depends on how the general public is going to see it. So far, within two days now, a majority of people who have commented on the price point are saying the same thing: It's expensive.
Q: Do you think Sony copied Nintendo with its new controller?
A: (Laughs.) Actually before they made the announcement we already anticipated that they might do that, so I had to laugh. Even though I was laughing, it was with a grim face, I should add. (Laughs.)
Having said that, please know that putting the motion-sensor technology into the classic-style controller is one thing. Putting the motion-sensor technology into the Wii remote as well as the "nunchuck" controller, where you can use both hands freely and independently, this is quite another thing.
Q: Was it hard to add sound to the Wii's controller? [It has a speaker embedded in it.]
A: Technically speaking, it's not very difficult. But if you ask me if any company can do it, I think it would be difficult. That's a very unique advantage Nintendo has. In terms of hardware, we can work very quickly because Nintendo is the hardware manufacturer as well as the software developer and publisher.
In this case, when somebody suggested the idea of putting the speaker into the Wii remote, the trial software was made immediately so we could test what it would sound like.
We really want [filmmaker George] Lucas to think about making a game where this can be used as a light saber. It should be fun.
Q: The graphics seem to sometimes look better on the PlayStation 3 or Microsoft's Xbox. Do you think that's a problem?
A: They are putting so much cost and energy to beef up the pure horsepower. I really do not deny the way they have chosen, because beefing up the graphical capability is one of the ways to entertain people. It's just that Nintendo has not chosen that because Nintendo is not concerned about the possibility of putting those kinds of energies into the graphical engines.
Even though we can make the current game graphics a lot better, we don't believe we can expand the gaming population at all. That's why Nintendo decided to take a completely different path for the Wii.
linkign reports;
May 13, 2006 - According to Japan's Hochi Shimbun online edition, Nintendo has, as of 5/8, shipped three million copies of Animal Crossing: Wild World to Japan. The game, known as Oideyo: Doubutsu no Mori in its native land, has been such a success, in fact, that Nintendo has chosen to branch the franchise off to a new media: anime.
The currently untitled Animal Crossing animated movie is is being prepared for a planned Japanese opening in December. Serving as director is Jouji Shimura, known for his work on Master Keaton and Shin Angyo Onshi. The game's staff is said to be cooperating on the project, which promises to retain the themes that have helped the game appeal to all audiences.
A Web Revolution in the Living room: Opera partners with Nintendo to put browser on the Wii™ game console
Opera Software, a world leader in Web browser technology, today announced that Nintendo’s much anticipated new generation game console, Wii, will use the Opera browser.
Users of the Wii console will browse the Internet using their consoles. Navigating via the innovative new Wii Remote controller, users can visit Web sites in between gaming sessions.
“Nintendo is clearly visionary in leading the gaming industry into the new era in gaming, and a wonderful partner for Opera,” says Jon von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. “We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Nintendo, and work with them to deliver the best gaming experience on the Wii console and the Nintendo DS™.”
“For our Wii console launch in 2006, we required a browser that was fast and secure with support for the latest standards including AJAX. Opera proved perfect for our purposes and is an exceptional addition to both the Nintendo DS and the Wii console,” said Genyo Takeda, senior managing director and general manager, Integrated Research & Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Opera and Nintendo announced their partnership to deliver the full Opera browser for the Nintendo DS on February 15, 2006. The Nintendo DS browser is scheduled for release in Japan this summer. Nintendo has not yet announced its global launch plans for this product.
I wander which 27 will be on the show floor. Also i realised WTF happened to Super smash bros
Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Call of Duty 3
AQ Interactive
Boxing Action
Dragon Ball Z Budokai: Tenkaichi 2
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Family action game
Buena Vista Games
Disney’s Chicken Little: Ace in Action Disney’s Meet the Robinsons
Resident Evil series
SIMPLE series
Original Action Game
Title TBD
Electronic Arts
Madden NFL ‘07
Medal of Honor Airborne
Title TBD
From Software
Action Game
Title TBD
Flight game
Title TBD
Sengoku Action
‘Soccer game
Bust-a-Move Revolution
Marvelous Interactive / Natsume
Harvest Moon Heroes
Legend of the River King original simulation
Mr. D Goes to Town
Midway Games
The Ant Bully
Happy Feet
New vertical scroll shooting game
New Action Game
Character Action game
SAN-X All-star Revolution
Namco Bandai
Final Furlong
Mobile Suite Gundam
One Piece Ulimited Adventure
New action game
Title TBD
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Excite Truck
Fire Emblem
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Super Mario Galaxy
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Wii Sports
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
Sonic Wild Fire
Metal Slug Anthology
Square Enix
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Turn it around!
Let’s go by train!
Cooking Mama -Cooking with International Friends-
Super Swing Golf Pangya
The Game Factor
Title TBD
Avatar: The Last Airbender
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
Disney/Pixar Cars
Action Game
Battle Action
Open Season
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Red Steel
Vivendi Universal Games
Title TBD
Warner Bros. Interactive
Entertainment Title TBD
Disaster: Day of Crisis
sorry about the mixup but here is ign's summary:
9:35 -- Matt Casamassina reports in: "Nintendo conference about to begin. Kodak Theatre is packed. We're in the second row."
9:36 -- Conference begins. Shigeru takes stage. Lot of applause. HoldsWii-remote. Dressed like conductor. Conducts the Zelda theme as a symphony of digital characters play music behind them. Photos snap like crazy.
(9:37) -- Cameras snap. Cut to Excite Truck playing -- a brand new Wii racing game. Miyamoto dances to the music.
(9:38) -- Red Steel footage.(9:38:43 AM): Music stops.
(9:39:02 AM): Reggie takes stage. "If all you want s next genration, you're in the wrong place" Unveiling next leap in gaming, he says. No longer confined to just the few -- it's about eveyone, he says. The next leap is about playing because playing is believing, he says.
(9:39:53 AM): Nintendo log on-screen. Playing = believing. Same animation Nintendo released on-line
(9:40:22 AM): Four Wii controllers.
(9:40:30 AM): People playing drums with two Wii controllers.
(9:40:30 AM): People playing Wii -- drums with two Wii controllers. Someone else hitting tennis balls. Then golf. Both with very simple graphics.
(9:41:38 AM): Mario footage. Mario is Jumping through space. Usingf the Wii remote to make him do things. Looks like a neat version of Super Mario Sunshine.
(9:42:10 AM): Pilotwings. Looks pretty good.
(9:42:51 AM): Metroid Prime footage.Looks very similar to Prime 2.
(9:42:58 AM): Ping Pong. Then some Running. Then WarioWare. Baseball, you swinging a bat.
(9:43:44 AM): More Red Steel footage.
(9:44:07 AM): Zelda. It's the Cube's Zelda: Twilight Princess. You do aiming and shooting hook shot with Wiimote.
(9:44:39 AM): Wii console shown in white again.
(9:45:02 AM): Link fishes with Wii-mote. 2006 promised.
(9:45:18 AM): Video montage ends. Reggie takes stage. DS on background. Drawing parallels between DS and Wii. "Wii from Nintendo will change game control forever," he says. "Today, you will see. And tomorrow, you will begin to feel." Says Nintendo has answers to some questions today, but not to all.
(9:47:06 AM): "Do you know someone even in your own family who has never played a videogame? I bet you do." This has to change if gaming will really be considered mass-market. Wii will be the system to change that.
(9:48:02 AM): Says Nintendo will speak about the system, the name, the price and the availability today. Will also explain gamers' "WTF" question of why the name.
(9:48:30 AM): Reggie basically says that Microsoft and Sony's focus on graphics and same-old gaming was fatal, and that history is littered with companies who fell because they did not advance.
(9:49:27 AM): Points in contrast to the gameplay innovations in Super Mario 64. Called the game a starting point for Wii. Nintendo wanted to make games that feel entirely new to people.
(9:50:02 AM): Wii will give you more fun for less money and you'll be playing Wii in the fourth quarter for 2006.
(9:51:04 AM): Talking about Wii name. Says he would like to thank people who liked it the first day it was announced. "All two of you," he added.
(9:51:20 AM): Onto third parties, he promises big things on the way.
(9:51:31 AM): Cuts to more gameplay montage. Metroid Prime 3. DBZ. New Fire Emblem! SpongeBob.
(9:52): Super Mario Galaxy! Elebits. Red Steel (same footage as earlier), Rayman 4, Super Swing Golf Pangea, Project H.A.M.M.E.R., One Piece, Madden, Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles!, More zelda
(9:55): World Premere of Twilight Princess Playing from Wii. "Very basic control will be very familiar" movement controlled with the analog on the nunchucku. Wii version has a presence of a fairy that lets you know where you're pointing.
"point and shoot" aim, no more inversion.
Wii remote has a speaker!
Within the remote you will hear the bow draw back, tighten, and release.
(9:58): Built in rumble feature, feel attacks. Just went from "the greatest Zelda game ever" from Reggie to "probably going to be one of the greatest Zelda games ever" from Bill who is leading the Wii demo.
(10:01):Rotatation with the nunchucku for "spin attack"
(10:02) Zelda's big bass fishing feature to be shown tomorrow.
(10:02): Two versions of Zelda: Twilight Princess. One for GameCube one for Wii.
(10:03): Metroid Prime: Corruption shown-- "most intutitive first-person shooter ever" - Reggie
(10:04): Excite Truck "Now you hold the wheel of the big damn truck" -Reggie
(10:05): Disaster - a game where you fight mother nature and have very hip hair.
(10:06): "Look up the Mother Ship is about to land." - Reggie showing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
(10:07): Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, Rayman
(10:07): Specific number of launch games is not revealed. The 27 games on the floor tomorrow does not include the virtual console games.
(10:08): Red Steel Demo begins with a man with a fantastic French accent.
"You are in the game" demo man-- real-time physics, soft bodies (ragdoll effects demoed) huge explosions. Various weapons- shotgun demoed.
Enemies go for cover, flank, "keep the action fast-paced"
(10:11): In Red Steel--Enemies have different target areas on their body, will react differently depending on where you shoot them. One button can freeze time and take time to aim-- decide to shoot them or make them give up.
(10:14): Red Steel cont... Draw a sword, and demoed controlling the sword fighting by wielding the wiimote.
(10:15): Reggie intros George Harrison to talk about the DS.
(10:16):He talks about what DS has sold-- 16 million units since launch. 1.3 million wi-fi connections so far. Sales of Brain Age very good 120,000 units sold in three weeks.
(10:18): "Touch Generation" with Sudoku games
(10:19): Yoshi's Island, Diddy Kong, and Final Fantasy III - with improved 3-d graphics
(10:20): Chat in Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam over Wi-Fi in real-time!
(10:21): Zelda: Phantom Hourglass shown!
(10:21): More than 100 more DS games between now and the end of the year!
(10:21): Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: "you are pokemon" "speak with over 380 Pokemon"
(10:22): Iwata comes on stage
(10:23): Talking about games to reinvent relationship between player and game to bring in non-gamers with core gamers.
(10:25): Wii controller breaks down the barrier between non-gamers and gamers "most gamers have wonderful memories of games they used to play. Virtual console will bring them together again." - Iwata
(10:26):"If I have to wait 30 or 40 seconds for a game to load I know I am frustrated and I don't want to play" -Iwata "Wii's virtual console can power up games in just a few seconds"
(10:29): Wii is never off. Wii provides a number of services even when it is off.
Wii Connect 24 constantly connected to the internet. Can bring content even when you're not playing.
Even in standby, say in Animal Crossing, people can drop off items for you. "A system that is new everyday" -Iwata. "To reach people that have never played (games)" -Iwata before"
(10:31): Wii Sports- should be playable by core gamers and non-gamers alike, increasing the number of people in the house who play. The Wii goal is to destroy the walls between people who play games and people who don't. "Provide anyone with fresh new experiences, for everyone everyday. This is our answer." -Iwata
(10:33): Miyamoto announces the sweepstakes winners who get to go on stage with him and play tennis with the Wiimote.
(10:35): Miyamoto knocks it out of bounds in Tennis... screams like a girl. Scott Dyer wins the sweepstakes. Will play tennis against Iwata, Reggie, and Miyamoto!
(10:38): Reggie asks for a "wii-match" after losing.
(10:39): Miyamoto and Sweepstakes winner win the tennis match.
(10:39): Reggie back on stage- "It's hot if it's disruptive. It's not if it's predicable."
"We are not afraid of risk." - Reggie
(10:41): Conference ends.