Wednesday, May 24, 2006

nintendo rep Wii tidbits, October launch

kotaku recently reported that a nintendo rep has said;
•The promotional material that the rep had with her only contained white consoles and peripherals. The Wii Classic controller was included, as well as the Zapper, as possible peripherals to be utilized at launch.
•There is concern about stores using halogen lighting. Tons of halogen spotlights scattered about may give everything a much warmer and more ambient feel. However, this particular type of lighting can throw off the aiming of the Wii controller when the lights are angled down through the path of the signal. So for people with halogen track-lighting in front of the TV, this could be a problem.
•Nintendo is aiming for an October launch. Since a number of big-ticket crossplatform titles like Madden will be coming out at that time, Nintendo doesn't want to miss them. Apparently the company wants to beat Sony out the gate, and get some buzz going about their non-traditional controller in the meantime.


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