Gex's Nintendo Blog
I am not claimining to be an insider, and you wont find any exclusives here but I do hope to give you all nintendo news worth knowing along with some editorials from both me and the other crew members.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Monday, August 06, 2007
Great nintendo t-shirts
Just thought I would share this great site with you
nintendo t-shirts

I have got a few t-shirts of theres and looking to get some more, loving the family tree one, make sure you pay them a visit at
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Ding Dong the blog is gone
With life, Wii, school, Wii, Work, Wii and a love life to maintain I havent been able to update the site in almost a month now and that is why I am having to close it down, i proberly wont delete it, but dont expect updates.
Sayanara and long live the Wii
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
No midnight launch for me ;(
The HMV I preorderd my wii at is not doing a midnight launch as they arnt getting enough wii to for fill there pre-orders, however i am first inline, although i cant get there till after college and then i have 2 work for 3 hours till 8, but from there on in im playing through the night with my blue glow stick and red bulls lol enjoy your wii if you already have one and get one if you havent.
Friday, December 01, 2006
wii a success
600,000 First-Week Purchases Attracting Veteran and New Gamers
Built on a foundation of pure fun, Nintendo's new Wii video game system sold through to more than 600,000 consumers in the Americas in just its first eight days of availability. That's a rate of nearly one per second continuously since the Nov. 19 launch. Including just first-party software and accessory sales, Wii instantly has become a $190 million business in the Americas. During the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend, there was plenty of conversation across the nation about the high demand for the Wii system, with the acknowledgment that if you see one, you'd better buy it. "Even with sales already in excess of 600,000 units, demand continues to exceed supply, as it's clear this is one of the 'gotta-have' products for the holiday season," says Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. "We've shipped retailers several times the amount of hardware the other company was able to deliver for its launch around the same time - and we still sold out. Given the inclusive nature of Wii game play, we're seeing this new form of video gaming is already a huge hit with gamers and newcomers alike. It continues to be a phenomenal launch." The system also is succeeding in its stated mission of reinvigorating current players, while attracting new ones. Every Wii system includes the five-game Wii Sports software, which is the talk of the Internet, featuring countless reports on how previously devout non-gamers have suddenly been converted via the amazing new way games are experienced using the system's remarkable controller. At the same time, the masterful The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a favorite of avid gamers, already has achieved sales of more than 454,000 units in the Americas, representing more than 75 percent of all hardware purchasers. Licensees, pleased not only with the sales performance of the Wii, but also its creative development capabilities, are publicly sharing their comments: "Madden NFL 07 is a great example of how the Wii gives players a whole new experience on their favorite games," says EA Studio President Paul Lee. "EA's creative teams are working to build more Wii features into some of our most popular franchises." "The creativity we've been able to unleash on the Wii system with our game Red Steel has been eye-opening for our development teams," explains Ubisoft President Laurent Detoc. "Having the opportunity to design and develop entirely new game-play experiences using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk is both exciting and rewarding." Classic games also are proving to be a hit on Wii, which offers downloadable access to 20 years of the best of Nintendo, Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx16 hits via the system's Virtual Console feature.
wii a success
600,000 First-Week Purchases Attracting Veteran and New Gamers
Built on a foundation of pure fun, Nintendo's new Wii video game system sold through to more than 600,000 consumers in the Americas in just its first eight days of availability. That's a rate of nearly one per second continuously since the Nov. 19 launch. Including just first-party software and accessory sales, Wii instantly has become a $190 million business in the Americas. During the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend, there was plenty of conversation across the nation about the high demand for the Wii system, with the acknowledgment that if you see one, you'd better buy it. "Even with sales already in excess of 600,000 units, demand continues to exceed supply, as it's clear this is one of the 'gotta-have' products for the holiday season," says Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. "We've shipped retailers several times the amount of hardware the other company was able to deliver for its launch around the same time - and we still sold out. Given the inclusive nature of Wii game play, we're seeing this new form of video gaming is already a huge hit with gamers and newcomers alike. It continues to be a phenomenal launch." The system also is succeeding in its stated mission of reinvigorating current players, while attracting new ones. Every Wii system includes the five-game Wii Sports software, which is the talk of the Internet, featuring countless reports on how previously devout non-gamers have suddenly been converted via the amazing new way games are experienced using the system's remarkable controller. At the same time, the masterful The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a favorite of avid gamers, already has achieved sales of more than 454,000 units in the Americas, representing more than 75 percent of all hardware purchasers. Licensees, pleased not only with the sales performance of the Wii, but also its creative development capabilities, are publicly sharing their comments: "Madden NFL 07 is a great example of how the Wii gives players a whole new experience on their favorite games," says EA Studio President Paul Lee. "EA's creative teams are working to build more Wii features into some of our most popular franchises." "The creativity we've been able to unleash on the Wii system with our game Red Steel has been eye-opening for our development teams," explains Ubisoft President Laurent Detoc. "Having the opportunity to design and develop entirely new game-play experiences using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk is both exciting and rewarding." Classic games also are proving to be a hit on Wii, which offers downloadable access to 20 years of the best of Nintendo, Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx16 hits via the system's Virtual Console feature.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
new forum affiliation
I have got together with some other people and have joined up with a new forum, check it out, should be great, sorry about the lack of posting over the last week, but things have come up, anyway on thursday im heading to the bullring to spend about 8 hours withthe wii, so expect impressions on friday of all the games there.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Tons of Twilight princess info from different preveiws *SPOILERS*
codename revolution have gathered together info from all the twilight princess previews from the recent event, be warned spoilers follow:
Advanced Media Network
- Game takes place 100 years after the events of Ocarina of Time.
- When you catch a fish you can hand it over to the local shop owner’s cat in return for a bottle so you can store a health potion.
- Gamers will draw similarities between both Forest Temples from OoT and TP although this new Zelda is much prettier and features new gameplay elements etc.
- You won’t have full 3D camera control as you did in Wind Waker.
- Controls take time to get used to, about 30 minutes was enough.
- As Wolf Link you can speak to the chicken that you may have “terrorized” when you were regular Link.
- Howling is important as music/tunes was in Wind Waker. It’s based on the pitch of the howl.
- Midna is the best character to come out of Nintendo in years says GameDaily.
- According to Game Informer the game takes place “several hundred years” after the end of OoT.
- It took four hours to reach the first dungeon and that was rushed through, meaning not as much exploring, talking to villagers, rupees digging and looking for secrets was done.
- The graphics in the game is what would max out the Gamecube’s capabilities, but the Wii in general is still “ways off”.
- You can expect multiple swords, shields and tunics in the game.
- You end up near a giant wall of Twilight (as seen in the trailer) where a massive hand takes Link into the Twilight Realm.
- Zelda can tell that the wolf is the hero with the look of his eyes.
- You must collect “tears” (from the insect-like creatures in the realm) in order to break the wall of Twilight so you can turn back to normal.
- The game has a larger level of cinematic quality compared to other Zelda games.
- Link’s expression is better than what has been seen in any other Zelda game which can be noticed from the body language and he feels ashamed, hurt, angry, upset etc.
- Midna is a character you’ll love to hate and the level of interaction between Midna and Link is huge that Midna even treats Link as her slave.
- Character development in the game is bigger than past Zelda games in the sense that you get to know more about the people in your town like what they do, about their families etc.
- One of the speaker’s cue’s are “Zelda discovery” noise, unfortunately the quality isn’t the greatest.
- Controlling Link’s sword attacks is just “too much fun” and worked 100% of the time.
- Wii version is the definitive version.
- Graphics are like a high end Gamecube title with enhanced shaders although in the Twilight Realm it has a cleaner edge.
- Controls are not horrible and not stellar and Wolf attacking is the only major disappointment in battle.
- Wolf Link has the ability to howl, a real-time music interactive where you control the pitch.
- Fishing might be the most natural use of the Wii-mote in the whole game.
- Game doesn’t utilize motion as well as games built for the Wii from the ground up.
- When you restore power back to Ordona, she restores you back to regular Link but this time you’ll be wearing the famous traditional green tunic for the very first time.
- First dungeon starts after three or four hours of gameplay.
- The Wind Boomerang allows for “small tornado-like funnels of air” attacks.
- The first dungeon also featured bomb-flowers to flesh-eating plants.
- Name of the first dungeon boss is Diababa.
- After defeating Diababa you get the Gale Boomerang.
- Midna collects a “floating object” which is a piece of “fused shadow” after the first dungeon boss and you’ll need to collect the next two in the second and third dungeons.
- Gamespy says the Wii controls worked while the “iffy” part of Zelda is that the game might be too long for some gamers.
- Gamespot is still not sure about the new control scheme but they are “leaning” towards being cool with it.
- Midna is more about her own “agenda” and is “kind of a punk”. She also has some kind of a relationship with Zelda and she knows more than she’s really telling Link.
- Link’s “birthmark” is important as it is Tri-Force shaped on the top of his right hand and goes all funny when you enter the Twilight Realm as you shape into a wolf.
- A friendly “bird-like” creature (as seen in the trailers) helps you to port you out of dungeons and she has a son who is part of one of the dungeons.
- We can really look foward to at least a minimum of a 50-plus-hour adventure with Twilight Princess although Nintendo claims 70+ hours. Still it’ll keep you busy through the holidays and beyond.
- All the whining and complaining about not getting the Wii version is “all crap” says Matt. Matt says that Nintendo should have scrapped the GCN version altogether.
- Nobody complained about arms getting tired, nobody felt the continuity of the game universe and nobody complained about Link being a right-hander.
- The “gift” that has to be sent to Hyrule is the handmade Ordon Sword and Shield.
- Zelda takes 70+ hours long to finish the game with nine dungeons in all
- Seven special sword techniques learned from the “ghosts” of Hyrulean warriors
- As a Wolf you can speak to animals and sense spirits
- Beginning Story: Kids chase a monkey through the forest, Link takes a wooden sword after them…adventure continues till goblins burst into the village…the story goes on from Link’s capture as a wolf to meeting Midna in the Twilight Realm…Twilight Princess is Zelda who speaks about the Twilight King invading the castle and Zelda had to make a choice to surrender and allow the citizens to live on as spirits or die, Link is unique because instead of becoming a spirit he became a wolf
- Forest Story: Link comes back from the Twilight Realm but as a wolf but finds himself being blamed for by the townsfolk for the missing children, Midna tells Link that he must find a sword and shield, later Link meets Ordona (a forest spirit) at the healing spring and makes a deal that in order to turn back into regular Link, he has to track down the twilight monsters who stole her power…Link goes back to the Twilight Realm to find insect-like creatures…after gaining enough of the spirit’s power Ordona recovers Link back to regular form…(the first dungeon hasn’t even started)…Link enters the Forest Temple…you defeat a monkey king to get a Wind boomerang…Link has to rescue all the monkeys and once he does, they help him to the boss’s room where the Deku-parasite (the first dungeon boss who is three-headed) awaits (use boomerang to defeat him).
- Visual design is far more beautiful than just about anything else out there
- Twilight Princess feels like a polished, expanded, refined and perfected OoT
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
2 drooling twilight princess vids
the first is theintroduction to the game, but the second is a trailer whith spoilers hehe
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
European launch games
pick what you want launch day from this list;
Available on launch day:
The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess
Wii Play (including Wii Remote)
Call of Duty 3 (Activision)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Activision)
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam(Activision)
Madden NFL 07 (EA)
Need For Speed: Carbon (EA)
Happy Feet (Midway Games)
Rampage: Total Destruction (Midway Games)
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Sega)
Gottlieb Pinball Classics (System 3)
Super Fruit Fall (System 3)
Cars (THQ)
Barnyard (THQ)
Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (THQ)
Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII (Ubisoft)
Far Cry Vengeance (Ubisoft)
GT Pro Series (Ubisoft)
Monster 4x4 World Circuit (Ubisoft)
Open Season (Ubisoft)
Rayman Raving Rabbids (Ubisoft)
Red Steel (Ubisoft)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent (Ubisoft)
Releasing before the end of December:
Impossible Mission (System 3)
Leaderboard Golf (System 3)
Tennis Masters (System 3)
And virtual console games are;
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Ice Hockey
Mario Bros.
Solomon's Key (Tecmo)
The Legend of Zelda
Urban Champion
Wario's Woods
Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario 64
Sonic the Hedgehog
Altered Beast
Golden Axe
Gunstar Heroes
Ecco the Dolphin
Space Harrier II
Toe Jam & Earl
Dr. Robotonik's Mean Bean Machine
Turbografx (PC Engine)
Bonk's Adventure
Super Star Soldier
Victory Run
Bomberman '93
Dungeon Explorer
Thursday, October 26, 2006
wii uk tour dates

I will personally be trying to get to the Birmingham University, Bullring and posibly the golf event at the NEC, expect pictures and impressions from all the events I attend.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wii Goodies from
I havnt heard of some of these before (Tennis/golf shells???) lets hope its all true, here is the list with links to the item pages and prices.
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Monday, October 16, 2006
The gadget show give away a Wii
was watching the gadget show here in the UK when they showed the competition, among the prizes was a Wii link

Friday, October 13, 2006
Ramblings of an inteligent fool. Pt1
The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princes, is a game of epic proportions, possibly the most anticipated game since The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time which broke down barriers between RPG and Action-Adventure and was critically and still is acclaimed as the greatest game of all time... well until this winter that is. Twilight Princess has been promised to beat the greatest game of all time in all factors, its gonna be bigger, its gonna look better, its gonna take longer and its gonna have horseback combat. We can be almost certain that this game has been in the works since the Japanese release of the Wind Waker back in December 2002, which puts a 4 year development cycle on it, in retrospect the first world war took about the same time, so we can be sure a lot has been done. We cant be sure how many renditions of the game Nintendo have gone through, perhaps they started with ideas of a wind Waker style, how ever I think not, at Nintendo's Space world event in 2001 a short clip was shown which showed a realistic Link fighting Ganondorf, although the character models now look dated compared to the Twilight Princess ones, it appears the original plan was to have a realistic Link, we may never know why the idea for this was dropped and we were given Wind Waker but we know the idea for the real looking Link for Gamecube has been there for at least 5 years properly since the release of Ocarina Of Time on the N64 back in 1998, as we have had Shigeru Miyamoto say his dream was always to have Link fight on horse back with his sword which is one of the biggest draws to Twilight Princess. So, 8 years in the making (well almost) and a console jump to the Wii as a primary retail focus, will we be disappointed if it only gets 90% as an average review result, potentially yes, this game has entered god like state in most Nintendo fan boys/girls heads and is going to be the holy grail when it comes to Wii launch day. I would not be surprised if Wii to Twilight Princess sales ratio exceeds 2:1 on the Wiis part, if I was Nintendo I would have a copy ready for every Wii just in case.
Is Twilight Princess the perfect launch title?
I would say no. I believe that Twilight Princess is killing Wii sales as I speak. You may already have heard recent reports that there are already 2 million Wii ready and waiting in storage for dispatch, 2 MILLLION, that is easily enough for a launch about 4 times that of what Sony expects for its PS3. So why haven’t we got our Wiis yet. The answer is Twilight Princess. With out Twilight Princess being ready, Nintendo doesn’t have there Killer App for launch, how can the Wii expect to succeed among the hardcore if there is no really solid title there for the launch, of course there is Red Steel, but its not something you would want to experience with the family. Consider lord of the rings trilogy, they are a set fantastic films which broke box office records each time one was released take this as twilight princess, they have similar themes and settings and even the most non-gamer after seeing LOTR and TP next to each other could find the comparisons and are great for everyone to enjoy. Now for Red Steel, lets take the Kill Bill films, fantastic films, but not the sort you want to sit around and watch granddad and 4 year old cousin. I’m not saying you will play Zelda with your granddad but I am saying that it would be an experience for them to watch you play and get into the story, and isn’t that what the Wii is about, getting the family involved, so in that aspect Twilight Princess is the perfect launch title a game for the hardcore which can appeal to the masses (even if it has a teen rating).
But is it worth the delay of the console… well in my opinion yes, if Nintendo hadn’t promised Zelda at launch, who knows what might have happened, my guess it would have been delayed again so they could ass some more stuff, but after one years of delay and a switch to another console, I think this is gonna be the best game ever anyway without having to add anything off.
If E=MC-squared the Zelda will rock.