Reggie Fils-Aime @ the D.I.C.E Summit

Nintendo of America's Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing will present their vision of the future.

9:30 AM—10:15 AM
The Reganator will be a key speaker at this years D.I.C.E summit in Vegas.
Here are some of the things which he may talk about;
- The success of the DS and the Wi-Fi connection- I am sure he will bost about sales figures and the success of new inovative franchises (nintendogs, brain training) attracting new audiences- chance:99.99%
- Targets for the Revolution- may admitt Gamecube sales are a dissapointment and set sales targets for the revolution - chance:70%
- Anounce the real name of the Revolution- answer the question that is on everyones lips- chance:30%(will leave it to Iwata at GDC in march)
- Show Revolution footage- May show another Video like the the one at TGS with people using the controler or a clipit of a game or two such as super smash bros, metroid prime 3 and the long awaited Mario 128- chance:40%
- Will confirm the Zelda TP rumers about Revolutionary compatibility- This could be the time if it is true to tell the public officialy, as seem as people already know thanks to NGC magazine that this will be the case i think it would be stupid for Nintendo to keep it a "secret" for as long as possible (if NGC are telling the truth)- chance:45%
- Will show the two other DSlite colours- with its release only a month away in Japan, this is the last large event to show them- chance:85%
- will anounce DSLite release details for the U.S.- although we already have suspision to believe that it will be released mid May, it it likely that it will be officialy reveiled on thursday-chance:90%
- the revolutions "other feature"- we know there is something yet to be reveiled thanks to shigeru but I think they will save it for E3 in May-chance:10%
- Revolution games anounced- possibly some titles from third parties will be anounced- chance:35%
- will show a video of developers comments on the revolution-like at TGS the lack of game footage may be compensated by some possitive comments - chance:65%
- will reveil that the revolution will play biscuits and make toast- ???-chance:0.00000000000000000000000000056%
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