Wii won the battle but can Wii win the war
At last months E3 games conference Wii was deffinatly star of the show boasting 6 hour queues, it has since then been awarded best in show by 37 outlets(link). With wall street screaming out at people to sell their stocks in sony(link) due to the falling prices because of the PS3 price plan. Aswell as this with Nintendo`s stock prices rising to the highest they have been in four years can we expect the Wii to go down a storm with people, latest poll`s seem to hint to;
Do you plan to buy a Wii?
Yes, but I'm a big Nintendo fan | 39.2% | 29443 | |
Yes, the E3 demos sold me on it | 18.82% | 14135 | |
Maybe, I have to try one first | 23.4% | 17579 | |
Probably not, I'm not a believer | 5.33% | 4004 | |
No, I'd rather play my 360/PS3/PC | 13.25% | 9951 | |
TOTAL VOTES | 75112 |
compared to;
Do you plan to buy a PlayStation 3?
Yes, the full $600 version | 22.69% | 16643 | |
Yes, the limited $500 version | 4.19% | 3077 | |
Maybe, if I see some good games | 15.05% | 11043 | |
Probably not, it's just too expensive | 24.92% | 18286 | |
No, I'd rather play a Wii/PC/360 | 33.14% | 24316 | |
TOTAL VOTES | 73365 |
with final results being;
Poll of the Day
Which of the three next-gen consoles do you think you'll own by this time next year?
All three | 6.62% | 6257 | |
PS3 and Wii | 16.69% | 15774 | |
PS3 and 360 | 5.28% | 4986 | |
Wii and 360 | 13.18% | 12455 | |
Just a 360 | 5.31% | 5022 | |
Just a PS3 | 17.03% | 16093 | |
Just a Wii | 27.57% | 26052 | |
None of them | 8.32% | 7865 | |
TOTAL VOTES | 94504 |
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