In the feature of 26 things to do before the Revolution there are three things in relation to release date they are reasons 21, 22 and 25 these surgest that the revolution will be released after issue 10 in europe which is released on the 27th october but possibly before issue 11 which I presume will be released around the same time the following month they state that in issue ten they will probley be reveiwing the launch titles . The Revolution will also apparently launch after the new Zelda and we will be enjoying autumn on Animal crossing by the time the console is out.

Also in the same article there is a tidbit about the DS Lite launching alongside the new super mario bros, but this is still under question due to the Brain age boxart. We will have more on this as it developes.

Now this is interesting, although it is stated for next months issue, im sure other publications will be getting the same opertunities and we should hear from these before E3. We have Sega Games(note that its plural), Ubisoft paris`s title (Red steel) and activisions title. The next month is going to be so exciting.

Lastly they have heard about 12 titles from 7 developers, this is good as it shows that third party developers are serious about the console and are making more than one title.
Woot! I can't wait for more info.
This looks exciting. I wish we would see it before e3!
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